Seven tips to reduce your risk of diabetes
This week is National Diabetes week and the announcement was followed by dire warnings concerning the amount of people who are either pre Type 2 Diabetic or are in fact already suffering the early stages of Type 2 Diabetes.
Now you notice I make the point of saying Type 2. The reason is that Type 1 Diabetes is considered genetic and that lifestyle does not have the same cause and effect that its ugly cousin Type 2 has.
Now that’s not to say that correct diet and lifestyle changes won’t benefit sufferers of Type 1, it will but not cure.
However, there are many studies indicating we can cure Type 2 Diabetes for many many sufferers by making simple lifestyle modifications. The choice is ours to make, and once again the main cornerstones for these changes are diet and exercise.
Now I realise many people do not want to hear this news. Some may even prefer a lifetime of medication and failing health with an increased risk of obesity, heart disease, stroke and cancer as well as organ failure, limb amputations and blindness. Not a pleasant future really.
Type 2 Diabetes is classified as a lifestyle disease and was once considered the domain of the elderly. But now its not uncommon for people in their mid to late teens and onwards to be presenting with the symptoms. And it’s not going to get better.
So, it’s really up to us to cure ourselves, and we can! Here are 7 simple tips to help reduce your risk:
1. Lose excess body fat. Being overweight is a big risk factor for diabetes have a read about the 5 and 2 diet.
2. Follow a plant-based, low-calorie diet. Eat high fibre foods, like a variety of fruits and vegetables, wholegrains, nuts and seeds. Many studies show all of these reduces your risk of Diabetes. Read labels, avoid processed and fast foods. Reduce sugar. In fact cut it out!
3. Drink water not juice or soft drinks.
4. Move your body. Yes I'm sorry BUT you have to exercise. Start slowly and build up. Aim for a daily walk for 45 minutes, join a gym as weight bearing exercise is also important.
5. Stress less. Try to mediate, yoga, tai chi.
6. Sleep well. Regular bed times, cool dark room. Avoid late night snacks, tea, coffee and alcohol before bed.
7. Keep medical appointments. Yes, get a check up and if having issues with stress or insomnia TELL YOUR DOCTOR.
Remember, actions speak louder than words!
Dr Phil Sheldon
#diabetes #health